About The Author
Angel grew up in the harsh streets of Los Angeles, CA. He didn’t come from money but always wanted to live a lifestyle people dreamt about. He also didn’t graduate from high school but soon figured out that he had to find… something. Angel started a career in construction and custom wood-working, exchanging his time for money to pay his family’s growing bills. During that stage in his life, a co-worker introduced him to a Network Marketing business… and it changed his life. This was the vehicle that Angel was looking for so that he could work full time in his job… but part time on his dreams.
Angel has helped thousands of people walk away from their jobs and experience that same lifestyle. Now, Angel Olvera owns several different types of businesses, generates millions of dollars annually throughout his networks and helps mentor people with drive and commitment to spring board their dreams and ideas into tangible success.
“I’m not an overnight success story. In fact, my story is quite the opposite. But I was persistent and dedicated. And I didn’t let anyone else dictate my life or how I would react to challenges… I built a Bulletproof Mindset to get me through anything.” – Angel Olvera